
  For the computer enthusiast who wants to experiment with the internal components of an operating system, there is Linux. Linux is an operating system originally designed by Linus Torvalds while a student at the University of Helsinki. It is a nonproprietary product and available, along with its source code and documentation, without charge. Because it is freely available in source code form, it has become popular among computer hobbyists, students of operating systems , and programmers in general. Moreover, Linux is recognized as one of the more reliable operating systems available today. For this reason, several companies now package and market versions of Linux in an easily useable form and these products are now challenging the long -established commercial operating systems on the market. You can learn more about Linux from the Web site at http://www.linux.org.



If one were to develop an application program as a set of machine instructions that is completely responsible for controlling the computer hardware ,one would be faced with an overwhelmingly complex undertaking.

A number of steps need to be performed to execute a program.Instructions and data must be loaded into main memory, I/O devices and files must be initialized, and other resources must be prepared. The OS handles these scheduling duties for the user.
In each case ,the OS must provide a response that clears the error condition with the least impact on running applications.

作者:李少杰  创建时间:2022-11-22 16:47
最后编辑:李少杰  更新时间:2022-11-22 17:01