
  • 短语或句子

    the road is being constructed.
    the problem is under discussion.
    the patient is under treatment. 病人正在治疗
    inspire sb to do sth. 启发某人做某事
    he was inspired to compose a song
    be curious about sth. 对某事好奇
    kids are curious about everything. 孩子们对一切都充满好奇。
    why are you always full of energy? 你为啥总是精力充沛的。
    How can you be energetic all the time? 同上
    attitude(态度), aptitude(资质/天赋), altitude(高度)
    it is your attitude rather than your aptitude that determines your altitude. 态度相对于天赋,更能决定高度.
    subject, subjective 主观的
    objective 客观的
    These people are very efficient, very organized and excellent time managers.这群人非常有效率,非常有条理并且是优秀的时间管理者.
    receipt 收据
    reception center 接待处
    veterinarian 兽医;缩写:vet
    analytical adj 善于分析的
    She has a clear analytical mind.
    analyze v 培养
    We need to cultivate/develop the ability to analyze and solve problems.
    some one may support me. 一些人支持我
    some others may oppose me. 另一些人反对我
    The population of China is larger than that of America. 中国的人口比美国多。
    address n 地址;v 称呼

    cheerful adj 开朗的,活泼的

    diligent and intelligent 勤奋聪明

  • Brainstorm a list of jobs that interest you.(头脑风暴你的理想职业清单)
    wildlife photographer
    Internet Commentator

作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-11-24 12:04
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57