
  • 生词短语

    in secret. 秘密的
    in public. 公开的
    different customs. 不同的风俗
    common sense. 常识
    fall in love with sb at the first sight. 一见钟情
    determination. 决心
    the seventh daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. 天帝的第七个女儿
    opposite. 反对的
    be supposed to do. 按理说
    harsh. 残酷
    speak of devil. 说曹操曹操到
    be connected with. 相关的

  • 练习

  1. The speaker says the following about exercise:
    A. There are only a few activities that are good.
    B. It helps relax our brains.
    C. Exercise should be done indoors.
    D. We should not exercise if it is cold outside.
  2. What does the speaker say about work and play?
    A. School work is more important.
    B. It is more important to play.
    C. They are boring.
    D. We should do some of both.
  3. Sometimes doing sports outdoors depends on____.
    A. Being with friends
    B. Keeping a healthy body
    C. The weather
    D. What we read about the sport
  4. What does the speaker say about planning what to do in our spare time?
    A. it is sometimes difficult.
    B. It is always relaxing.
    C. We should spend it in a museum.
    D. It should include school work
  5. Which of the following can be inferred from what the speaker says?
    A. We should always be with friends.
    B. Going to the movies is good physical activity.
    C. Exercising and relaxing are both important.
    D. We should only read something connected with our studies.
  6. What does the speaker not say about leisure?
    A. Your leisure time is very important.
    B. Most of us have some sport we like to do.
    C. Running around the school yard can be fun.
    D. Enjoy being outdoors and with friends.

  • 8个简单但有效的习惯会让你更成功.mp4
作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-12-29 10:04
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57