接 Lesson 55

  • 短语或句子

    would 和 used to 都用于过去经常或习惯性的动作
    would 只用于过去习惯性的动作,不能用于过去的状态
    used to 两者都可
    used to 表示过去常常做某事,现在不会了,强调只是过去
    would 表示过去常做某件事,现在也很有可能会做
    She hurried to the station and she hoped to catch the last bus.
    She went hurried to the station, hoping to catch the last bus.
    She used to like pop music, but now she likes classical music.
    She isn't used to speaking in the public.
    We used to go swimming in the river of the village when we were child.
    We would go swimming in a small river near our village in childhood.

Lesson 56 Faster than sound

  • 生词

    excited adj 令人兴奋的
    exciting adj
    excitement n 激动,兴奋
    excite vt 使激动
    explode v 爆炸
    the bomb explodes
    explode with anger
    rival n 对手
    speed v [sped,sped] 疾驶
    speed up/down 加速/减速
    at a speed of 以…的速度行驶
    downhill adv 下坡
    The car speeds downhill. 汽车飞快的开下了山坡.

  • 短语或句子

    entered for 参加
    a great deal of + 不可数n. 许多
    take part 参加
    take place 举行
    a greate many + 可数n的复数. 许多
    break down 抛锚,宕机
    My computer broke down.
    break into 闯入
    break into the house.
    break out 爆发
    The wildfire break out. 山火爆发
    break up 分手
    The boy and girl break up.
    at the end of 在…的终点
    in the end = at last = finally. 终于,最终
    in the end of this term. 在这学期末
    in the end of December. 在11月末
    in the end of this page. 在这一页的结尾
    had a lot of touble doing sth.
    had a lot of difficulty doing sth.
    had a lot of fun doing sth.
    be different from… 不同于…之处
    no less … 不亚于
    It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.

  • 语法

    much + adj 比较级,表示很,非常
    as…as 和…一样
    He is as old as I am. 他与我同龄.
    She is not as intelligent as we think.
    little 和 few
    There is little I can do to help him.
    There were few people in the shop.
    The man standing by the window is our teacher.
    The meeting held yesterday is imortant.
    The man reading a novel at the desk is my father.(现在分词表’主动、正在’)
    The man who is reading a novel at the desk is my father.
    Is there anything planned for tonight?(过去分词表’被动、已经’)
    Is there anything that has been planned for tonight?
    No less than

  1. 多达、有…之多(强调数量之多)
    We walked no less than three miles. 我们走了3英里之远.
    2 与…没差别、与…一样、不比…差
    He is no less wise than you. 他跟你一样聪明
    Although he was in his eighties, his thinking was no less quick than young men. 尽管80多岁了,他的思维很敏捷,不比年轻人差.
  • 造句

    Tom had a lot of trouble opening the door.
    He spent a lot of time in traveling last year.
    To make matters worse, Our car broke down halfway.
    A great many of people entered for the english competition.

Lesson 57 Can I help you, madam?

  • 生词

    jeans n 牛仔裤
    a pair of jeans.
    a pair of pants.
    a pair of shorts.
    hesitate v 犹豫,迟疑
    hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事
    hesitation n 犹豫
    serve v 接待(顾客)
    serve sb.
    A friendly waiter served me.
    scornfully adv 轻蔑地
    scornful adj 轻蔑的
    be scornful of sb. 轻视某人
    look down upon sb. 轻视某人
    punish v 惩罚
    punish sb for sth. 因为某事惩罚某人
    punishment n 惩罚
    fur n 裘皮(动物的毛皮,非禽类)
    feather n 羽毛(禽类的毛皮)
    eager adj 热情的,热切的
    be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事
    be eager for sth.
    He is eager for success.
    scar 伤疤

  • 短语或句子

    in jeans. 穿着牛仔裤
    for a moment. 一会儿
    glance at. 瞥了一眼
    seek out. 寻找
    make sb do sth. 让谁做某事
    What made him change his mind?
    He was made to work fourteen hours a day.

  • 语法

    the way sb does 某人做事的方式

作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-12-09 08:35
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57