
  • 生词短语和句子

    I am proud of being a chinese.(已经是中国人)
    I am proud of a chinese.(未必是中国人)
    I love to read the fantasy novels.
    I love watching American TV Series.
    be keen on = be interested in 喜欢,对…感兴趣
    versatile 多才多艺的
    mow the lawn 修割草坪
    leisure time 休闲时光
    autograph 亲手签名
    automic washing machine 全自动洗衣机
    autobiography 自传
    rollerblade v 轮滑溜冰
    blade n 刀片,刀刃
    industry 工业
    industrial revolution 工业革命
    industrious 勤劳的(不修饰人)
    a great and industrious nation 伟大勤劳的民族
    backstage adv 在后台
    After the show, we were allowed to go backstage to meet the cast.
    cast n 全体演员 v 铸造
    hang out with sb 与某人出去玩
    hike n 徒步旅行 v 远足
    go camping 去野营
    go to barbecue 去烧烤
    wish sb sth 希望某人某事(后接虚拟语气,和事实相反)
    I wish you a nice trip.
    wish you success.
    I wish that I were you.
    I wish that you had a nice trip. 我希望你玩的开心,但事实因天气不好,你玩的不好。
    called over the First Aid attendant 打电话叫急救

作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-12-08 10:15
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57