
Lesson 43 Over the South Pole

  • 短语

    be able to
    take photograph/picture
    a greate many + 可数n复数
    run in sb./sth. 偶遇;遇到;
    in sight 视野之内
    at a loss 没主意了

  • 语法解析

    be able to
    1、表个人能力,可以和 can 呼唤
    2、can 能做,但没有经过尝试;be able to 有能力做,已验证能力
    3、can 现在和过去;be able to 现在、将来、过去、完成
    ⭐️当表名一个动作已经成功完成时,必须用 was able to.
    He was able to go to Longdon yesterday and he enjoyed himself very much.
    it 形式主语 + that 从句
    It seems that he enjoys pop songs very much.
    It is certain that they will win.
    It is my duty to help you improve English.
    It is said that they have invented a new type of computer.

Lesson 44 Through the forest

  • 生词

    forest 森林; through the forest
    risk 危险;冒险;take the risk to do sth.
    edge 边缘;at the edge of the forest
    strap 带,书包带;
    possess 拥有;He posesses a lot of money.
    possession 所有;be in possession of sth.
    breath n 呼吸;take a deep breath;hold ones breath;
    breathe v 呼吸;
    content n 内容【重音在前】;
    content adj 满意【重音在tent】;
    mend v 修理【强调修补】;

  • 短语

    run after 追赶;追求;
    run away 逃跑;
    run at 向谁跑过去;
    run to 跑向哪儿;
    sb struggle for sth 某人因某物争执
    start to do 和 start doing 意义相同
    so…that…如此以至于; so+adj/adv
    catch up with 追上;赶上;
    get a fright 被吓一跳
    be tired to do 厌倦做某事。

  • 语法

    need doing = need to be done 被动
    The strap needs to be mended. 书包带需要修理了。
    start to do = start doing
    begin to do = begin doing
    continue to do = continue doing
    go on to do sth. 继续做其他事儿
    go on doing sth. 继续做同一件事
    to do ≈ doing 的情况
    hate to do(一次性的) ≈ hate doing(习惯)
    love to do(一次性的) ≈ love doing(习惯)
    try to do sth. 努力做某事
    try doing sth. 尝试做某事
    remember/forget to do sth. 没做的事儿
    Don't to do your homework;
    remember/forget doing sth. 做过的事儿
    I remember buying this book;
    regret to do sth. 很遗憾要做某事
    regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事

Lession 45 A clear conscience (被动语态)

  • 生词

    clear adj 无罪的,不亏心的
    conscience 良心;道德心
    savings 存款
    villager 村民
    butcher 屠夫

  • 短语

    be sure that 很确定
    in time 及时;最终
    on time 准时
    pay back 归还;偿还
    in this way 用这种方式

  • 语法(被动语态)

    was/were done
    must have been done 对过去的肯定推测的被动语态(mush have done)
    steal sth. from someone/somewhere 从哪儿偷什么东西
    steal money from the safe 从保险柜偷钱
    rob someone of sth. 谁抢什么东西
    rob hom of all his money
    pay back 归还;报仇

作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-11-25 08:31
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57