
  • 生词

    solar calendar. 阳历
    lunar calendar. 阴历
    trick or treat. 恶作剧或招待
    elf. 小精灵
    orphaned. 孤儿的.
    lovebirds. 情侣
    easter Sunday. 复活节
    easter Monday. 复活节后的星期一
    Hebrew. 西伯来人
    reindeer. 驯鹿
    spring equinox. 春分
    cow herder. 放牛人,牛郎
    star Altair. 牛郎星
    gala. 联欢会
    accompany. 陪同
    memorable. 值得纪念的
    reflect. 反思

  • 短语

    family reunion. 家庭团聚
    play fireworks. 放烟花
    Spring Festavel gala. 春节联欢晚会
    temple fair. 庙会
    Tomb Cleaning Day. 清明节
    Mid-Autumn Festival. 中秋节
    National Day. 国庆节
    labor day. 劳动节
    we dont’ cherish what we have until we lose it. 失去的时候才懂得珍惜
    what’s the date today? 今天是几月几日
    what day is it today? 今天是星期几
    a couple of. 几次(不超过1)

  • 课堂互动

    I just say the Programmer Day is a special day to me.
    And the secial days to everyone is such as people’s birthday, people’s wedding day.
    In my childhood, I always waiting for the spring Festavel.
    Because I can get new clothes, delicous food, and get some lucky money.
    When I grow up, I still think that it is a important day.
    Because we can stay together with our relatives.
    the second day is my first day to go to work.
    I finally could do something useful and really cool work to help people.
    I was so happy that I got my first money in my life.
    in that day, I can support myself.

作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-12-27 09:39
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57