Lesson 48

  • 生词

    cotton wool 药棉
    pull v 拨
    nod v 点头
    meanwhile adv 同时
    tongue n 舌头
    denied 否认
    refused 拒绝
    fetch 取,过去还回来
    take 拿,一趟

  • 短语或句子

    who 和 whom 区别,who 做主语,whom 做宾语
    watch the match. 看比赛
    spend time/money (in) doing sth. 花时间/钱干某事
    spend time/money on sth. 花时间/钱在某物上
    sth. cost sb. money 某物花了某人多少钱
    so adj/adv that… 如此以至于
    such n that … 如此以至于

  • 语法

    no sooner 的倒装
    He had no sooner come home than they rang him up from the office.
    No sooner had he come home than they rang him up from the office.
    That is the house where I lived.
    That is the house which I lived in.
    where = 介词 + which

Lesson 49

  • 生词

    spring n 春天;泉水;弹簧
    mattress n 床垫
    gust n 一阵狂风
    a gust of laughter 一阵大笑
    a gust of anger 一阵愤怒
    courtyard n 院子
    smash v 碰碎;摔碎
    miracle n 奇迹
    miraculous adj 奇迹般的
    miraculously adv 奇迹般地
    unhurt adj 没有受伤的
    glance v 扫视
    prompt adj 迅速的
    promptly adv 迅速地
    sweep v 扫;刮

  • 短语或句子

    be tired of sth./ doing sth.
    I am tired of housework.
    I am tired doing housework.
    save up for 为…攒钱
    for the first time in his life. 人生第一次
    blow up 刮风
    crash into 坠毁
    wake up 醒来
    smash to pieces 摔成碎片

  • 语法

    1、Following/Followed his mom, …
    following ing 表示主动的动作
    2、He was followed by his mom.
    followed ed 表示被动的动作
    3、Seeing/ Seen in this light, the mountain looks taller.
    seen 山被看
    4、Shocking/ shocked by the news, I didn’t know what I could say.
    shocked 我被消息震惊
    5、Asked/ asking why he came late, he said he got up late.
    asked 被问为啥起晚了
    6、The mother died of disease leaving/left two young children.
    leaving 主语是mom,表主动
    7、smoking/ smoked a cigarette, he entered the meeting hall.
    smoking 主语是人,表主动
    8、being/ been a kid, he knows a lot.
    being 主语是他

作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-11-30 08:38
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57