Lession 70

  • 生词

    wander v 溜达,乱走
    My minde is wander. 思绪紊乱
    drunk n 醉汉
    unaware adj 不知道的,未察觉的
    ware adj 警觉的
    I am ware that he is cry.
    matador n 斗牛士
    apparently adv 明显地
    sensitive adj 敏感的
    sensitive to
    He is sensitive to the light.
    He is sensitive to how people think that him.
    sentimental 多愁善感的
    sensible 明智的
    criticism n 批评(通常+at连用)
    critize v 批评
    critic n 评论家
    critical adj 批评的,关键的
    charge v 冲上去,充电,充值
    charger n 充电器(通常用复数+s)
    clumsily adv 笨拙地
    clumsy adj 笨拙的
    bow [baʊ] v 鞠躬
    bow [bəʊ] n 弓,弓形物;琴弓;蝴蝶结;鞠躬;船头,船首
    safety n 安全地带
    sympathetically adv 同情地
    sympathy n 同情
    sympathize v 同情
    sympathetic adj 同情的

  • 短语

    the middle of. 在…的中间
    be aware of. 意识到
    be unaware of. 没有意识到
    be busy with. 忙于
    catch sight of. 看到
    charge at sb. 冲向谁
    be sure of sb/sth. 有把握
    get close to. 靠近
    let/make sb do.
    break into. 闯入
    in the way. 挡路
    out of the way. 不挡路,不碍事儿

Lesson 71

  • 生词

    parliament n 议会,国会
    erect v 建起
    accurate adj 准确的(更精确)
    official n 官员,行政人员; adj 官方的
    official permission 官方许可
    an offical representative 官方代表
    observatory n 天文台
    observe v 观察
    observation n 观察
    check in. 登记入住
    check out. 退房,结账走人
    microphone n 扩音器,麦克风
    tower n 塔 v 屹立,高耸,超越

  • 短语

    on the bbc.
    on the radio.
    burn down. 烧毁
    take one’s name from. 因为而得名
    be responsible for. 对…负责
    be of immense size. 巨大的
    be of + n = be + adj.
    faild to do. = cannot to do.
    a pot of. 一桶
    go on strike. 罢工
    hang/hung. 悬挂
    hang/hanged. 绞死

  • 语法

    not … only, but…also…
    not…only, but…as well.

  • 造句

    The child takes his name from his grandpa.
    The kids are responsible for cleaning the classroom.
    The young man is not only funny, but smart as well.
    The young man is not only funny, but also smart.
    If he had learned hard, he would have passed the exam.

Lessson 72

  • 生词

    racing n 竞赛
    horsepower n 马力
    burst v 爆裂,闯入
    burst into tears. 眼泪夺眶而出
    average adj 平均的
    the average age of the children.
    the average of 4 , 8 and 6.
    above / below the average. 平均数之上/下
    footstep n 足迹

  • 短语

    attempt to do sth. 试图做某事
    be disappointed to do. 自己很失望做某事
    follow one’s footstep. 沿着谁的足迹

作者:Wolf  创建时间:2023-01-06 08:32
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-06 11:19