12.30 Lesson 66

  • 生词

    bomber 轰炸机
    remote adj 偏僻的
    pacific 太平洋
    the Arctic ocean 北冰洋
    the Pacific Ocean 太平洋
    the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋
    the Indian Ocean 印度洋
    wreck n 残骸
    the wreck of a plan. 落空的计划
    the wreck of hopes. 破灭的希望
    aerial adj 航空的
    survey n 调查
    rescue v 营救
    rescue sb from the building.
    enthusiast n 热心人
    sports enthusiast. 体育迷
    enthusiasm n 热情
    enthusiastic adj 热情的
    restore v 修复
    restore one's confidence. 重拾信心
    imagine v 想象
    imagination n 想象
    imaginary adj 虚构的
    the move is imaginary. 电影是虚构的
    imaginative adj 富有想象力的
    the boy is imaginative.
    packing case 包装箱
    colony n 群,殖民地
    a colony of ant. 一群蚂蚁(一群…东西/动物,不能是人)
    herd n 兽群
    a herd of cattle. 牛群
    flock n 一大群,(羊或鸟)群
    a flock of birds. 鸟群
    crowd n 人群
    a crowd of people
    hive n 蜂房
    preserve v 保护,保持,维持
    beeswax n 蜂蜡
    wax n 动物蜡,蜂蜡,植物蜡,石蜡,耳垢,耳屎
    measure n 措施,方法;步骤;
    inflation n 通货膨胀;通胀率;充气

  • 短语或句子

    in adj condition. 什么东西,什么状态
    be adj as. 像什么一样
    imagine sth.
    We cannot imagine life without electricity.
    I can imagine the scene clearly in my mind.
    imagine sb/sth.(to be)
    Please imagine yourself (to be) in the customer's position.
    Imagine yourself to be on a desert island.
    imagine doing sth.
    Can you imagine cooking the dinner yourself?
    imagine + clause(从句)
    No one can imagine how regretful he was.
    I imagine you are tired from the journey.
    be worth + n
    I don't think it's worth the trouble.

  • 造句

    All of the students left, but he remained unmoved.
    This place is worth visiting.
    This car was badly damaged in the traffic accident.
    This TV is in good condition.
    Last week, I had that door painted.
    Ms. White wants to have his washing machine repaired.
    Last Monday, I had my wallet stolen on my way home.
    Tom had his nose broken in a fight.(可数名词的复数形式前可以不加冠词,其他情况要加)

Lesson 67

  • 生词

    volcano 火山
    erupt v (火山)喷发
    eruption n 喷发
    violently 猛烈地,剧烈地
    violence n 暴力
    manage v 设法,管理
    brilliant adj 精彩的
    brilliance n 光辉
    liquid adj 液态的 n 液体
    lava n 岩浆
    threatend adj 受到威胁的

  • 短语或句子

    spend one’s time (in) doing sth. 花时间做某事
    set up. = build. 简历
    close to. 靠近
    though/in spite of. (用于让步状语从句)
    in spite of + 短语
    although + 句子
    managed to do sth. 设法做某事(做成了)
    He could not find a new job. 他找不到一个新工作
    He didn't manage to find a new job. 他设法找一个工作,但没找到. PS:很容易理解成:他没有设法去找一个新工作.
    be able to do sth. 有能力干某事(经过努力做成了)
    climb into. 爬进去
    risk one’s life. 冒生命危险
    take risk to do sth. 冒险干某事
    say a good word for someone. 为某人说好话
    want to do sth. 想要做某事
    want sb to do sth. 想要某人做某事
    managed to do 和 try to do
    两者都表示设法做某事,manage 强调结果是成功了,try 不强调结果是否成功
    in this way. 以这种方式
    in a way. 某种程度来说
    in the way. 挡道
    on the way. 在路上
    on the way home. 回家的路上
    on the way to the park. 去公园的路上
    by the way. 顺便说一下
    so that. 阴道目的状语从句,意思是:为了什么

作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-12-30 08:32
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57