Lesson 60

  • 生词

    fair n 集市
    fair adj 公平
    unfair adj 不公平的
    temple fair. 庙会
    tell sb’s fortune. 给人算命
    fortune-teller. 算命人
    crystal n 水晶
    relation 亲属
    impatiently adv 不耐烦地
    patience n 耐心
    patient adj 有耐心的
    patient n 病人
    tent n 帐篷

  • 短语或句子

    decide to do. 决定做某事
    a relation of yours. 你的一个亲属-双重所有格
    intend to do. 打算做某事,用于将来
    the moment = as soon as. 一…就
    get a big suprise. 大吃一惊
    walk away. 走开

  • 语法

    will + do
    be going to do.
    will + be + doing . 将来进行时
    will + do. 一般现在时
    move/arrive/go/leave/come/return/travel/fly… 表位置变化的动词,在现在进行时表将来.
    时刻表. 一般现在时表将来

Lesson 61 Trouble with the Hubble

  • 生词

    telescope n 望远镜
    faulty adj 有错误的
    astronaut n 宇航员
    shuttle n 航天飞机
    shuttle bus. 摆渡车
    Endeavour. n 奋进号
    robot-arm n 机器手
    atmosphere n 大气层,气愤
    distant adj 遥远的,冷淡的
    distance n 距离
    galaxy n 星系
    eagle eye 鹰眼

  • 短语

    There is trouble with sth. /sb.
    there is sth. wrong with sth. / sb.
    put sth. right. 纠正
    by the time. 在未来什么时候-等到什么时候-将来完成时

  • 语法

    will have done
    将来的某个时间,已经完成的事情,关键介词:by, in
    I think astronauts will have landed on Mars by the year 2030.
    I'll have finished in an hour and then you can use the computer.
    by 意味着“不晚于一个具体时间”
    in 意味着“在一段时间内”
    will have been doing
    Ram starts waiting at 9 a.m. I am late and cannot arrive before 10 a.m. Ram will have been waiting for an hour by the time I meet him.
    By Sunday, I will have been reading this book for 2 days.
    By the end of this year, we will have been learning english for 3 months.
    By this time next week, I will have been working in this company for 30 years.
    He will be very tired, He will have been traveling a full day when he arrives here.

作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-12-23 08:32
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57