Lesson 53 Hot snake

  • 生词

    hot n 热,火,辣的,带电的
    cause n 原因 v 引起
    accidentally adv 意外地,偶然地 = by chance = by accident
    remains n 尸体,残骸
    temple n 庙宇
    remain v 剩下,保持
    remain silent. 保持沉默
    wire n 电线
    volt n 伏特
    snatch v 抓住(快速)
    spark n 电火花 v 激起,触发,鼓舞
    mystery n 谜
    wond,wound n 小溪,蜿蜒,缠绕 - wound 是过去式
    blink 眨眼睛
    clot v 凝块
    Most heart attacks are caused by blood clots. 血液凝块导致心梗
    determine v 决定;确定;测定;查明
    investigation n 调查,侦查

  • 短语或句子

    be sure+宾从 确信
    I'm sure of his honesty.
    in this way 以这种方式
    throw sth to sb 把…扔给谁
    throw sth at sth/sb 扔什么东西砸,通常是贬义
    reason with sb 和谁讲道理,规劝
    fall 和 drop
    fall: 自己摔
    drop: sth/sb drop sth/sb

Lesson 54 Sticky fingers 黏糊的手指

  • 生词

    stick v 粘…东西
    sticky adj 黏糊的
    thumb n 拇指
    index finger 食指
    middle finger 中指
    ring finger 无名指
    little finger 小拇指
    toe 脚指头
    mixer n 搅拌机
    pastry 面糊
    flour 面粉
    annoying adj 恼人的
    annoy v 惹谁生气
    The boy annoy his monther.
    dismay v 使失望,使泄气 +ed 自己感觉很失望
    be dismayed at 对某事失望
    persuade v 说服,劝说
    persuade sb into doing sth.
    persuade sb to do sth.
    mess n 乱七八糟
    messy adj 乱七八糟的
    doorknob n 门把手

  • 短语或句子

    Nothing could have been more adj. 没有什么能比这更…
    Nothing could have been more exciting/interesting/embarrassing…
    Nothing is + adj比较级 than + doing sth.
    Nothing is happier than playing vedio games at home.
    Mike is the most hardworking student in our class.
    Nobody is more hardworking than Mike in our class.
    Staying in the bed at weekends is the most enjoyable thing to me.
    Nothing is more enjoyable than staying in bed late at weekends.
    Nobody is more popular than him in our company.

Lesson 55 Not a gold mine 并非金矿

  • 生词

    mine n 矿
    treasure n 财宝 v 珍惜
    revealer n 探测器
    reveal v 揭露
    invent v 发明
    inventer n 发明家
    invention n 发明,创造力
    detect v 探测
    detective n 侦探
    detecter n 探测器
    bury v 埋藏
    bury oneself in sth. 专心于
    arm v 武装
    soil n 泥土
    worthless adj 毫无价值的
    thoroughly adv 彻底地 = completely
    trunk n 行李箱,躯干

  • 短语或句子

    dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事
    dream come true. 梦想成真
    used to do sth. 过去常常做某事
    be used to do sth. 被用于做某事
    be used to doing sth. 习惯做某事
    in spite of + 词/短语. 尽管
    although + 句子. 尽管

作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-12-07 08:30
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57