
Lesson 46

  • 生词

    unload v 卸(货)
    wooden 木制的. The desk is made of wood. The desk is wooden.
    extremely 非常地,极其地
    astonish v 使惊讶. I am astonishing. 我很惊讶. I am astonished at message. 我被这个消息惊讶到了。
    pile n 堆. a pile of sand. a pile of boxes.
    pill n 药丸.
    tablet n 药片.
    woollen n 羊毛的.
    discover v 发现.
    discovery n 发现.
    admit v 承认. admit doing sth. 承认做某事. admit that+从句.
    The boy admitted breaking the window.
    The boy admitted that he broke the window.
    confine v 关在(一个狭小的空间). be confined to…(+名词)
    normal adj 正常的,通常的,师范的.

  • 短语或句子
    It occurred to sb. to do sth. 某人想到要去做某事.
    It occurred to me to visit my teacher.
    It occurs to sb. that (某人)想起,发觉
    It occurred to me sudenly that I had met him somewhere.
    Didn’t it occur to you that he was lying?
    It never occurred to me that he could succeed.

  • 短语或语法
    arrive at + 小地方 eg. airport
    arrive in + 大地方 eg. city
    account for 解释
    news,idea,question,promise,fact 同位语先行词
    on top of 在…顶上.
    be surprised at 吃惊于
    order sb to do sth. 命令某人做某事
    be ordered to do sth. 被命令做某事
    sth. cost sb. money. 某物花了某人多少钱
    The trip cost him £3500.

Lesson 47

  • 生词

    thirsty 贪杯的
    haunt v 来访,闹鬼; haunted adj 闹鬼的; haunting adj 令人难忘的
    the haunted house 鬼屋
    a haunting experience 难忘的经历
    block v 堵.
    The door is blocked by chairs.
    furniture n 家具. a piece of furniture. two pieces of furniture.
    shake v 摇动,握手. shook, shaken

  • 短语

    up to sale 供出售.
    must have done 固定用法,和时态无关. 表示对过去发生的肯定推测.

  • 语法
    suggest that 表建议时,其后的从句要用虚拟语气,句中使用 could/should/might/would + V原型,表暗示时,该是啥时态就是啥时态
    I suggest that she could go to the party.
    By + the end of … = 将来完成时
作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-11-28 14:03
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57