
  • 短语或句子

    eager to do 渴望做某事
    tolerant 宽容的
    freelancer 自由职业者
    social pressure 社会压力
    pursue freedom 追求自由
    in a dilemma 进退两难
    make a concession 做出让步
    combine what you like with what you do 把你喜欢的和你做的结合起来
    human rights lawyer 人权律师
    help the homeless 帮助无家可归的人
    abused 虐待;性暴力;
    Family Violence 家庭暴力
    sympathetic 同情心
    rational 理性的
    analytical 有分析能力的
    social individual 社会个体
    preference 偏爱;偏好;
    entertainment n 娱乐
    entertaining v 娱乐
    freshman 大一新生
    sophomore 大二
    junior 大三
    senior 大四
    graduate/bachelor 本科毕业
    postgradate/master 硕士毕业
    doctor 博士
    failing to prepare is preparing to fail. 不做准备就意味着准备失败.
    It won’t be long before you meet your boss. 你很快就能见到你老板了。
    tongue twister 绕口令
    Spring Festival 春节
    before we knew it, the night came. 不知不觉中,天黑了。
    the more haste, less speed. 欲速则不达
    the more books you read, the more knowledgable you are. 读书越多,知识越渊博。
    the naughtier the kids, the more successful they are. 孩子越淘气,长大越有出息
    I thinking of a job of what. = I want to be …. 我想成为…
    be involved in 参与;卷入;
    he is actively involved in class discussion
    he is involved in a theft.
    possibly 可能地;或许;
    overall, all in all, in summary, to sum up, in one word,in conclusion 总之
    in other words 换句话说
    besides, furthermore, moreover, additionally, in addition, what’s more 此外,而且
    everyone has the right to pursue love. 每个人都有追求爱情的权利.

作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-11-28 10:19
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57