12.28 Lesson 63 She was not amused. 她并不觉得好笑.

  • 生词

    circle 圈子
    admire v 赞美,钦佩
    admirer n 仰慕者
    reception n 招待会

  • 短语或句子

    the closest friend. 最好的朋友
    a large circle of friends. 交友广泛
    admire sb for sth. 因为什么钦佩谁
    sense of humour. 幽默感
    six-year-old adj 六岁的(复合形容词)
    except for. 整体不错,美中不足
    make a speech. 发表演说
    the sort of. 种类
    prepare for the dinner. 为了晚餐做准备
    prepare food. 正在准备食物
    a number of. 大量的
    a large number of. 巨大量的
    to one’s supprised. 令谁吃惊的
    see sb do. 强调结果
    see sb doing. 强调过程
    laugh at. 嘲笑
    smile at. 微笑
    I wonder. 我不知道
    All the buildings are excellent except this one.
    except for
    All the buildings are excellent except for their location.

  • 课堂练习

    He did it as his mom asked.
    I admire her for her honesty.

  • 语法

    It is sunny today.
    she says it is a sunny today.
    一现 -> 一过
    现进 -> 过进
    现完 -> 过完
    一将 -> 过将

Lesson 64 The channel tunnel 英吉利海峡隧道

  • 生词

    ventilate. 通风
    chimney n 烟囱
    fear. v 害怕
    fear to do sth.
    be afraid to do sth.
    invasion n 入侵
    continent n 大陆

  • 短语

    serve as. 当做
    The box can serve as a table.
    put forward. 提出
    put forward a good suggestion.
    draw in. 带入

  • 语法

    if 0号条件句 客观真理,句型是一现
    if 1号条件句 主将从现
    if 2号条件句(白日梦,对现在的虚拟)
    if + 一过,主句+would/should/could/might + v原
    if + were(固定)
    if 3号条件句(对过去的虚拟)
    if + 过完,主句+would+have done
    sb suggest that + 从句,虚拟语气,从句用 should/could…
    He suggested that a double railway-tunnel should be build.
    suggest 暗示, 真实时态
    What he said suggested that he was a cheat.

作者:Wolf  创建时间:2022-12-28 08:18
最后编辑:Wolf  更新时间:2023-01-04 11:57